Saturday, April 14, 2012

Chicken Salad by Ree of PW

CHICKEN SALAD by Ree - This recipe would surely make me go to the grocery to get my hands on all the ingredients required to make this chicken salad happen in our own dinner table!!! It's just so beautiful in the photos and just the ingredients mixed into this bowl of chicken salad makes me drool. Since I'm pretty visual, I felt like I've tried the dish just by staring at the photos and It's time for me to share it by simply making and serving this to family and friends! If you find time, I'm sure you will also enjoy reading , especially making this one! :) 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Pioneer Woman Website

The Pioneer Woman Website  , this site was recommended by my cousin Abbey ( ) ! Again, this made me drool and made want more cookbooks and learn more about food, home and even photography! Beautiful food photos i must say! Enjoy browsing through!